6 signs your PVC curtains are deteriorating

Our PVC curtains are built to last, with high-quality material keeping them going for much longer. Eventually, though, PVC will deteriorate – and it’s important to notice those signs so that you can get it replaced as soon as possible. You don’t want to wait until it’s more of a problem. Here are the signs to watch out for.

Clear PVC strip curtains
PVC strip curtains

1. Nicks, cuts, and scratches

Your PVC curtains are built to stand up to a lot of abuse, but that doesn’t mean that they are impervious to harm. Particularly if they are in regular use, this can build up scratches on the surface of the curtains. These might not be as much of a problem in themselves, although they can cause a build-up of bacteria if they are not properly cleaned. However, when cuts and nicks also start to appear, that’s when it’s time to replace the strips.

2. Cloudy appearance

You should be able to see fairly well through your curtains. Over time, however, the surface of the PVC may become cloudy, making it more difficult to look through. Giving them a good wipe clean may bring them back to their former glory. If the clouding is not dirt, but rather is in the PVC itself, then this is a sign that you will need to replace the whole curtain – and soon, especially for health and safety reasons.

3. Cracks and splits

Most PVC curtains aren’t built for low temperatures, so when using them in freezer units, you should opt for freezer-grade PVC which has been specially treated. If you don’t take this precaution, then your PVC will start to crack and split under the pressure. The cold temperatures basically make it too rigid, which then means it is more vulnerable to breakages. This may also happen when your PVC is reaching the end of its life.

4. Uncleanable dirt

If you can’t get the dirt off your PVC strips, it’s very possible that you have left it too long between cleaning them, resulting in the dirt settling in too much. On the other hand, it could also be that the plastic itself is deteriorating, allowing the dirt to penetrate the outer layers. Either way, if you can’t get it clean, it’s definitely time to order some replacements.

5. Loss of flexibility

One of the great attributes of PVC is how flexible it is. Your PVC curtains will flop and slide out of the way when you walk or drive through them. But if it starts to seem as though they don’t want to bend, and they hang more stiffly, it could be that the PVC has gone through too much stress and you now need to have those strips replaced. If it is an age issue, you will likely see the problem across the whole curtain.

6. Hanging incorrectly

Over time, the PVC may warp and twist in place, particularly if it is subject to repeated motions – such as always being twisted out of the way in one direction and held there for long periods of time. If the strips are no longer hanging in such a way that the PVC curtain is complete, it’s time to get new strips – otherwise you’re losing out on the heat retention and anti-pest properties that the curtains would normally provide.


There are a few signs to look out for that your curtains need replacing, but it’s also easy to keep them going for longer. Use them in the correct environment, clean them regularly, and ensure more careful use – and these signs may not crop up for a long while.





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